
Friday 17 April 2020

First few days using google meet...

Hello bloggers. I am Albin from YMS. I hope you are doing well. As you know due coronavirus we are under lockdown. But day before yesterday, our online school started. Along with that we also started using Google meet. 

So now that you know what google meet is, let me tell you about our experience and what we did. It was awesome. First day we didn't do that much. We were just logging in and getting to know how to use its interface and etc... Next day we were asked to join the meet another way.

Now today's meet has not yet started started. Anyways, Have you ever used google meet before? Or have you joined a meet in google meet? And does your school use meet? Tell me comments. So that is bloggers. See you next time. Oh...By the way I created that DLO, did you like it?


  1. Hi Albin

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Google Meet. I think you have created a nicely streamlined DLO illustration for Google Meet.

    May I suggest that when you are writing about trade names such as Google, Apple or Lego that you use capital letters.

    I am glad that you have found Google Meet to be awesome. I am very happy to see that this application has proved so useful for us all. i love the way that we can all connect together simultaneously.

    Kind regards
    Mr R

    1. Hello Mr. Robertson.
      As you know, I am Albin, thank you for your positive, helpful and thoughtful comment. I will now on make sure that instead of 'google' I will make it 'Google'.
      Kind regards

  2. Hi there Albin, It's Abby from school.

    I really like the DLO you made and explained what Google MEET is.

    This reminds me of the first meet the class had and how everyone was confused and learning what to do.

    Next time you could say what you like about Google MEET and if you prefer it over real school or rather go to school.

    What are you excited for Google MEET?

    Kind regards,


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