
Wednesday 25 December 2019

SLJ-1(Day-2) Week-2

Hello bloggers. It is me Albin and welcome back to my summer learning blog. Today I will be writing a journal on how a day in the life of Nelson Mandela  at the Robben Island Prison. 

I am in the land of full of loneliness, but that will not stop me from being a lawyer. I have spent days and months in this prison, studying hard and being tortured while being forced to do a lot of work. It is really hard staying here. The people here is has no other goal in life, but I have.   

I have a straw mat to sleep on. This straw mat is really rough. It is better to sleep on the rock rather than sleep on this straw. It is really painful to sleep on that. I have to go through lot of poking through the cold, miserable night. 

So that is it bloggers. See you on the next blog.  

1 comment:

  1. Hola Albin,

    Great to see another Summer Learning Journey post from you. You are keeping yourself very busy.

    I love the creativity in your diary entry and well done for adding an image as well as attributing it. Keep it up!

    It must have been so hard for Nelson Mandela in that awful prison and I feel you have portrayed that in your diary entry. It's amazing that he achieved so much after such an experience and what someone achieves when they really put their mind to it.

    If you could do anything in the world to help others, what would it be?

    Until next time, happy blogging :)


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