
Friday 3 January 2020

SLJ-Bonus(Day-5) Week-3

Hello bloggers. It is me Albin and today's activity is:
For this activity, choose one person and read all about them.

On your blog, provide us with:

The name of the person
A description of the work they do/have done
An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others 

So the person i choose for this activity is:


You may know him. He was born february 11, 1847.
If you don't then he was the person who invented bulb. If it hadn't been him then there would not have been a bulb. So his story goes like this, when he was young he was very poor in studies. He was very poor that he had to send a letter to his mother saying that he is not capable of studying in htis school. His mom picked him up and while returning home thomas asked, "What did the teacher say to you." His mom lied by saying, "Your teacher said that you are to intteligent to be in that school. So i cam to pick you up." Which inspired him to make the greatest invention of the lifetime, Bulb. Many years after he grew up he was cleaning his house when he found out the letter that his mother got from his teacher. He was then glad that is his mother lied to him that day, or else he wouldn't have been in this position. After that he created many inventions. But sadly he died at 1931, october 18. 

So that is it for today. See you on my next blog. 


  1. Hi Albin, it's Mia her from Yaldhurst, you probably already know me. Awesome work! I really liked the story of Edison, it was a really great description of his story and there were lot's of things that I didn't know in there.

    I think he is a great man and I thin that if it wasn't for his mom, he might've lost his hope and never attempted to make the light bulb! Then who would try to invent it?

    There isn't much to improve on, but make sure you put light bulb instead of just bulb because otherwise people might get confused!

    Great work!

  2. Hello Albin, its me Parwin!

    I really liked your description about Thomas Edison and its great that you also included a photo of him as well. It's also great that you included a story about him.

    This reminds me of when I did this and I chose Thomas Edison for my first one that I did. I heard that story when I went to Farsi School cause I go to Frasi school and one of the stories was about him and explained the story of how his mum had lied to him to make him feel good.

    I think that to improve, as Mia said, make sure to say light bulb and not just bulb. And also maybe you should say what the SLJ is for those who don't know what it is!

    Awesome work!

    LOoking forward to your next posts,

  3. Hey Albin,

    Well done on completing another activity! You're doing an awesome job getting through them - well done! :)

    You've shared some really interesting information about Thomas Edison. I wasn't aware of the story about his mother. We're lucky things turned out that way - the light bulb is a pretty important invention. What do you think are the top 3 best inventions of all time?

    Have a wonderful day, Albin. I hope to hear from you soon! :)

    Bye for now,



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